
Showing posts from July, 2020

Bikram Yoga: the Discipline with Which You Will See Faster Much Faster Improvements

42 degrees centigrade, 40% humidity, 90 minutes, and 26 postures. This is how Bikram yoga or hot yoga is presented, a discipline that is relatively less known in our country. But which is becoming more and more popular thanks to a huge number of benefits that it adds to practice -that of 'traditional' yoga. In short, Bikram Yoga Amsterdam is about making a series of more or less simple poses, but with the twist that they are carried out at a high temperature. Bikram Yoga was originated in India, where it is hot anywhere. Bikram Yoga Amsterdam plays with the temperature depending on the type of discipline we practice and imitate that humid heat from their homeland. For this reason, our Bikram Yoga Amsterdam is a heated room in which we work between 25 and 42 degrees. This summarizes the Bikram Yoga Amsterdam . Much Faster Improvements Although the practice of yoga goes far beyond reaching tangible goals, there is no doubt that one of the main attractions of Bikram Yoga Am